
Accessibility Audit

Year 3 University Project


The project

Accessibility is integral to providing positive user experiences on the web. The goal of conducting an accessibility audit, as done in this project, is to ensure all users can navigate and use sites with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. This report evaluates the conformance of the Airbnb website with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

A sample of the audit

What's in the report?

It presents the findings from the audit in a way that applauds the website’s strengths, while clearly and specifically outlining areas for improvement. The report is written persuasively, with the company goals in mind. By implementing best accessibility practices, Airbnb will better serve and retain its users in need of accessible features. This has the potential to greatly increase Airbnb’s revenue and overall profit. Framing the report in this way encourages the company to make the recommended changes.

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