Hi, I'm Lauren, a web designer based in Canberra, Australia.
I do user interface, instructional and graphic design, plus front end development.
I'm skilled in:
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- PixiJS
- Coda 2
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- InDesign
- Premiere Pro
- Scrum Framework
- WCAG 2.0
- User Interface Design
- GitHub
- Using APIs
Who am I?
My name is Lauren Schilling, and I design for web, digital and print platforms. I’m a graduate of the University of Canberra, where I studied Web Design and Production. At 4'10" I’m tiny but I think big and I love working on challenging projects with great teams.
What can I do?
I'm a web designer and front end developer. I use semantic HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. I have a working knowledge of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. I also do graphic design, especially for layout and publications. I can proof read, edit copy and typeset. I know great design is in the details, so I’m thorough and organised in all my projects. I’m able to work independently and with teams. I welcome a challenge.
Where do I want to be?
I want to learn from industry leaders, and work with designers and developers that have honed their craft. I'd like to contribute to projects in creative and technical aspects, and create positive, immersive experiences for clients – whether digital or physical. I'm keen to work both locally and abroad.
What do I love?
Greek food, 70s tunes, getting lost in museums, adventure, tea and a good book.
Say hello
Let’s be friends. If you’d like to work with me, get in touch at hello@laurenschilling.com.au. You can download my CV here.
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